2002 |
[2002년도 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회; 06월] - 차은지, 김요숙, 최성모 직각판형 외다이아프램 각형강관 기둥-H형강 보 접합부의 신뢰성 해석 - 홍성덕, 김요숙, 최성모, 김진호 축방향성을 고려한 CFT 기둥-보 접합부의 복합십자형 다이아프램 구조성능 평가 - 마영민, 최성모, 김진호, 김석중 Split Tee 인장접합부 각국설계기준의 비교연구 - 우해성, 김진호, 최성모 고력볼트 마찰접합부 각국 설계기준의 비교연구 [2001년도 한국강구조학회 학술발표대회; 06월] - 채용수, 최성모, 김동규 직각판 보강형식 각형강관기둥-H형강보 반강접 접합부를 가진 골조의 탄소성거동에 관한 해석적 연구 - 우해성, 김진호, 최성모, 김동규 . 콘크리트충전 강관기둥의 부착성능에 관한 실험적 연구 [2001년도 한국지진공학회 학술발표대회; 09월] - 최성모, 권기혁, 노현섭 2층 조적조 건축물의 지진 응답에 대한 실험연구 [2001년도 대한건축학회 학술발표대회; 10월] - 노현섭, 최성모, 권기혁 2층 조적조 건축물에 대한 모의 진동대 실험 - 전재영, 최성모, 김동규 외다이아프램형 콘크리트충전 원형강관기둥-철골보 접합부의 국부인장내력에 관한 해석적연구 - 박근석, 고동우, 최성모, 권기혁, 이한선 1/12 축소 철근콘크리트 주상복합건물의 진동대 실험 |
2016 |
[CSS, 09.22-09.24, Las Vegas, USA] - Jeong Su, Ju, Ji Su, Kang, Bu Kyu, Kim, Hwan Seon, Nah, Sung Mo, Choi A Study on Application of Surveillance Technology regarding Axial Force of Anchor bolt for Nuclear Facilities - SeulKi Hwang, YongPil Park, YounSang Kwon, SunHee Kim, SungMo Choi Analytical Study on Structural Behavior of H-Shaped Brace with Non-Welded Buckling Restraint Element depending on Reinforcement Rate [PSSC, 10.29-10.31, Shanghai, China] - Seul-Ki Hwang, Jeong-Su Ju, Sun-Hee Kim, Hwan-Seon Nah, Bu-Kyu Kim, Sung-Mo Choi EVALUATION OF COMPRESSIVE PERFORMANCE ACCORDING TO REINFORCEMENT LENGTHS AND QUANTITIES OF H-SHAPED BRACE STIFFENERS - Ji-Su Kang, Gyo-Cheon Kim, Jong-Wook Song, Jae-Hwan Kyung, Yong-Pil Park, Sung-Mo Choi DEFLECTION CONTROL IN SUPPORTLESS 9M DEEP DECK SYSTEM BY PRELOADING |
2011 |
[EASEC, 01.26-01.28, Hong Kong SAR, China] - J. W. Park, Y. K. Hong, G. S. Hong, J. H. Kim, S.M. Choi DESIGN FORMULAS OF CONCRETE FILLED CIRCULAR STEEL TUBES REINFORCED BY CARBON FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC SHEETS - J. Y. Ryoo, H. S. Chae, K. S. Chung, S. M. Choi A STUDY ON STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE OF END-REINFORCED STEELBEAM SYSTEM - S. H. Lee1, S. H. Kim, J. S. Bang, Y. A. Won, S. M. Choi Structural Characteristics of Welded Built-up Square Concrete Filled Tubular Stub Columns Associated with Concrete Strength [CTBUH, 10.10~10.12, Seoul, Korea] - Jae-Woo Chae, Jung-Seok Bang, Yoon-Sang Kwon, Sung-Mo Choi Structural System of Bundle-type Skyscrapers [ASCCS, 10.28~10.30, Guangzhou, China] - Park, Jai-Woo, Choi, Young-Hwan, Bang, Jung-Seok, Won, Yong-Ahn, Choi,Sung-Mo A comparison of axial behavior for CFRP strengthened CFT columns - Kim, SunHee, Lee, HyunChyul, Kwon, YounSang, Yom, KyongSoo, Choi, Sung Mo A Study on Structural Performance of New Shape Built-up Square Column-to-beam Connections with Through Diaphragms - Ryoo Jae-yong, Choi Sung-mo, Chae Heung-suk, Chung Kyungsoo, Oh Heon-keun An Analytical Study on the Hysteresis Behavior of Composite-beam Characterized by End- einforcement with Steel plates and Concrete [ISSS, 11.03-11.05, Seoul, Korea] - Jaiwoo, Park, Jaeyong, Ryoo, Youngho, Kim, Heonkeun, Oh, Sungmo, Choi Design Formulas of CFRP strengthened CFT short columns applied by ACI 318-440 CODE - Yong An, Won, SunHee, Kim, Joong Seok, Bang, Sung Mo, Choi Evaluation of the Residual Strength of Reinforced CFT Columns through Unloaded Heating Test - Lee, Seong Hui, Lee, Se Jung, Jeon, Sang Hyeon, Kim, Do Gyun, Choi, Sung Mo Structural Stability for Ponding of Deep Steel Deck by In-situ Concrete - SunHee, Kim, Youn Sang,Kwon, KyungSoo, Chung, HeongSeok, Chae, SungMo, Choi Study on the Fire Resistance of the Concrete Filled Tube Columns Associated with the Types of Fire Protection |
2005 |
[Proceedings of International Symposium on Steel Structure, 03. 2005] - An Experimental Study on Seismic Performance Improvement of Concrete Filled Tubular Square Column-to-Beam Connections with Combined Cross Diaphragm. - Hysteresis Behavior for CFT Square Column-to-Beam Partially Restrained Composite Connections. - A Study on Seismic Performance for CFT Square Column-to-Beam Connections Reinforced Asymmetric Lower Diaphragms. |
2004 |
[Pacific Structural Steel Conference, 04. 2004] - Structural Capacities of Tension Side for CFT Square Column-to-Beam Connections with Combined Cross Diaphragm. - An Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Concrete Filled Tubular Square Column-to-Beam Connections with Combined Cross Diaphragm. |